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Fig. 4 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 4

From: Mapping the m1A, m5C, m6A and m7G methylation atlas in zebrafish brain under hypoxic conditions by MeRIP-seq

Fig. 4

The conserved internal m1A modification is partially involved in mRNA splicing in the zebrafish brain. A Gene ontology (GO) analysis of internal m1A-methylated transcripts relative to all adequately expressed genes with FC enrichment greater than 2 times in zebrafish brain tissues (FPKM> 0). B rMats software was used to analyze RNA-seq data for RNA splicing events. The number of non-duplicated AS genes was counted (P < 0.05). Left: the pattern diagram of five AS events, right: the number of splicing genes in the form of a bar graph. C Venn diagram shows the intersection of differential m1A modifier genes and AS genes in zebrafish brain tissue. D AS genes with differential m1A modification were selected and visualized by IGV software. Top: blue represents input, other colors represent IP, and the vertical axis represents the coverage of sequencing. Bottom: visualization of alternatively spliced genes, in which the minimum splicing coverage is set to be greater than or equal to 10 (i.e., parameter: set junction coverage min: 10), left: ss18, right: srsf7a

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