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Fig. 3. | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3.

From: Determining extracellular vesicles properties and miRNA cargo variability in bovine milk from healthy cows and cows undergoing subclinical mastitis

Fig. 3.

a-c Mean size, mode size and concentration of milk EVs in individual quarters. d-f Principal component analysis (PCA) of milk EVs miRNA (n = 122) in High SCC, Low SCC and Control. g PCA of milk EVs miRNA expression (n = 122) for all samples. h Normalized counts per million (CPM) for bta-miR-2285 t in Control (green) and Low SCC (orange). i Venn diagram showing the overlap of altered miRNAs between the three cows. Abbreviations: C: Control group, L: Low SCC group, H: High SCC group, the number indicates sampling day (1,2 and 3, respectively)

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