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Fig. 5 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 5

From: Genome-wide association analysis reveal the genetic reasons affect melanin spot accumulation in beak skin of ducks

Fig. 5

The potential regulatory relationships existed between MITF and POU transcription factors. A Box plot for effect of sentinel SNPs on Chr13 and Chr25 (Chr13:5,019,135 and Chr25:42,867,656) on MSPBA in 223 ducks. The indicated P values are based on one-way ANOVA. Box plots denote median (centerline), 25-75th percentile (limits), minimum and maximum values (whiskers). B the distribution of genomic locations of POU gene family transcription factors predicted within the cis-regulatory region, the sequence of 5 kb (Chr13:5,109,848–5,114,847) ahead of the transcription site of the MITF gene in duck genome. All POU transcription factors were provided in Table S4. C the molecular phylogenetic relationships of duck POU gene family members based on the Maximum Likelihood method. The gene members marked in red were predicted as the potential transcription factors of the duck MITF gene. D the cluster analysis of gene expression profiles of candidate genes. The circles fulfilled in red ahead of the gene names represent the genes located in Chr13, while the square fulfilled in green represents the genes located in Chr25

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