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Fig. 7 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 7

From: Secure tumor classification by shallow neural network using homomorphic encryption

Fig. 7

Illustration of data packing and matrix multiplication. To efficiently compute with encrypted data, data packing and matrix multiplication method should be highly concerned. (a) We basically follow the method in [15] which breaks the matrix-matrix multiplication into matrix-vector multiplications with vectors of special form. (b) Naïve packing method with 4 CMults and 8 Rots and (c) ours with 4 CMults and 2 Rots are given as a toy example with s=8 samples, g=4 genes, T=4 tumor types and ciphertext slot-size n=32, when using m=2 duplication of \(\vec {x}_{i}\)s (See Warm-up with Toy Example). If we use imaginary part for message space, we can even reduce the number of CMults to \(\frac {sg}{2n} \cdot m \lceil \frac {T}{m} \rceil = 2\), where the number of Rots remains the same as \(\log \frac {n}{ms} \cdot \lceil \frac {T}{m} \rceil =2\) (See Putting It All Together)

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