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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Abundant small RNAs in the reproductive tissues and eggs of the honey bee, Apis mellifera

Fig. 2

Analysis of piRNAs in the reproductive tissues of the honey bee. A. Euler diagram showing the overlap of clusters identified within each individual tissue. B. Table of the proportion of clustered total/uncollapsed piRNAs that align to the top three most active piRNA clusters for each tissue. C. Coverage of piRNAs at Cluster 83 for each tissue. Y-axis values are log10 RPM (reads per million) normalised values of total reads. D. Left: Nucleotide frequency plots for unique piRNAs in ovaries, eggs, testes, semen and spermatheca samples. Right: The 1 U and 10A bias of each piRNA cluster, detected within each tissue individually. Red box indicates clusters with a 1 U bias. Cluster 25 (blue arrow) and cluster 8 (green arrow) are examples of the same piRNA cluster with different 1 U and 10A frequencies between tissue types. E. Feature mapping of total piRNAs sense and antisense to retrotransposons and DNA transposons (left) as well as introns and exons (right). All distributions compared with ovaries (chi-squared test). ** indicates p < 0.01, *** indicates p < 0.001, ns = non-significant

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