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Fig. 6 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 6

From: Comparison of SARS-CoV-2 sequencing using the ONT GridION and the Illumina MiSeq

Fig. 6

Correlation between the number of reads produced during sequencing and sample Ct Score: A correlation was performed for the number of reads produced by the GridION and the MiSeq and Ct score for SARS-CoV-2 samples. The number of reads was plotted on the Y-axis, whilst each sample’s average Ct score was plotted on the X-axis. GridION runs are represented by graphs A (Run101), B (Run111), and C (Run123) and are shown as green, blue, and red, respectively. MiSeq runs are represented by graphs D (Run100), E (Run109), and F (Run122) and are shown as black, purple, and gold, respectively. Statistical significance (Spearman’s rank correlation test) is represented by “*” (ns: non-significant, ****: p < 0.0001). An increase in Ct score resulted in a decrease in the number of reads produced for all GridION runs and 1 Illumina MiSeq run (Run122)

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