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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: A high-quality de novo genome assembly based on nanopore sequencing of a wild-caught coconut rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros)

Fig. 2

Identification and elimination of organelle, pathogen and other contaminant genomes. (A) Long-read data [LR] are used to generate the initial draft assembly (B), circular assembly for OrNV (C) and mitochondria (D) are identified and removed. Short-read data [SR] were used to remove erroneous indels in homopolymers (E, F) to produce analysis-ready assemblies [25, 26]. The remainder of the draft assembly (G) is linearized (H) and short reads [SR] are used to remove erroneous indels (I) in each scaffold, producing an initial polished nuclear genome assembly for Oryctes rhinoceros (J)

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