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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Comparative genomic analysis of the human genome and six bat genomes using unsupervised machine learning: Mb-level CpG and TFBS islands

Fig. 1

DegeDi-BLSOMs of bat and human genomes and the distribution of dinucleotides on their chromosomes. A BLSOM constructed for the DegeDi composition of 100-kb sequences in six bats. Nodes containing sequences from more than one species are indicated in black, and those containing sequences from a single species are indicated in color specific to the species: Rousettus aegyptiacus (Aeg) ( ), Phyllostomus discolor (Dis) ( ), Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Fer) ( ), Pipistrellus kuhlii (Kuh) ( ), Molossus molossus (Mol) ( ) and Myotis myotis (Myo) ( ). The total number of nodes (grid points) was set to 1/20 of the total number of 100-kb sequences. Bi The BLSOM for the 100-kb DegeDi of three bats and humans was constructed and displayed as described in A. The colors representing the species are as follows: Aeg ( ), Fer ( ), Myo ( ) and Hum ( ). Bii Each grid point was colored according to the species with the highest value. Ci DegeDi-BLSOM for 1-Mb sequences with a 100-kb sliding step for three bats and humans. Each grid point is displayed as described in Bi. Cii Each grid point is displayed as described in Bii. Ciii U-matrix. D Heatmaps for the DegeDi-BLSOM described in Ci. E The occurrence frequency (%) of AC + GT and GA + TC in 1-Mb sliding windows with a 100-kb step is plotted on four human chromosomes. The central position of the primary constriction of each chromosome, as inferred from the UCSC Genome Brower (, is indicated by the vertical magenta bar. F The occurrence frequency (%) of CG is plotted on four bat scaffolds

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