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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Poly(a) selection introduces bias and undue noise in direct RNA-sequencing

Fig. 2

Omission of poly(A) selection does not significantly alter read lengths from ONT direct RNA-seq. A Cumulative distribution function of basecalled read lengths from three poly(A)-selected libraries, and two libraries in which poly(A) selection was omitted. This plot contains all basecalled reads, including those which were not mapped via MiniMap2. Later plots only include mapped reads. B Genes with only a single annotated transcript were binned based on their CDS length, then reads mapping to that gene were denoted as “spanning-CDS’ or “not-spanning-CDS” based on the location of the 5′ and 3′ read ends. Finally the percentage of “spanning-CDS” reads were calculated and plotted for each gene. C Plot comparing mean read lengths of each gene between a poly(A)-selected library (Y-axis) and an unselected library (X-axis) (Spearman R: 0.9713)

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