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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Comparative transcriptomic analysis revealed dynamic changes of distinct classes of genes during development of the Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum)

Fig. 2

Visualization analysis of expression differences for different comparisons. DEG volcano plots of A FE vs. PB1; B PB1 vs. PB2; C PB2 vs. TC; D TC vs. EC; E EC vs. B; F: B vs. G; G: G vs. T; H: T vs. D; I: D vs. U; J: U vs. P; K: P vs. S; L: S vs. J. One dot in the volcano represents one gene, red dots represent upregulated genes, green dots represent downregulated genes, and blue dots indicate undifferentiated genes. p-value < 0.05, |log2FoldChange| > 0. The abscissa is log2FoldChange and the ordinate is –log10 (p value). The larger the value of –log10 (p value), the more significant the difference of the DEGs

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