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Fig. 4 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 4

From: Reducing costs for DNA and RNA sequencing by sample pooling using a metagenomic approach

Fig. 4

Loss of reads for single and pooled samples. A Depicted are read losses for individual genes in D. dadantii sorted by the total loss in the pooled sample of D. dadantii, E. coli and V. natriegens. The large plot shows the subset of genes that show a loss of reads. The small plot within the large plot shows the full set of genes and its losses. The red box indicates the region of the large plot within the small plot. The total loss is partitioned in the loss due to repeats within a species (red) and the loss due to pooling with the other two species (blue). Loss of reads per gene in percent for D. dadantii pooled with E. coli and V. natriegens. B Loss of reads per gene in percent for E. coli pooled with D. dadantii and V. natriegens. C Loss of reads per gene in percent for V. natriegens pooled with E. coli and D. dadantii. D Loss of reads per gene in percent for E. coli MG1655 pooled with E. coli DH5 α. E Scheme of comparison of pooled species with different evolutionary distances. F Read recovery for pooled samples with species of different evolutionary distances. Error bars indicate standard deviation of 20 random pairs within the NCBI bacteria data base. G Loss of reads by classical mapping and additional loss by pooling for 20 unique species pairs within the same genus (genus differs in each pair)

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