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Fig. 5 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 5

From: Comparative analyses of three complete Primula mitogenomes with insights into mitogenome size variation in Ericales

Fig. 5

Phylogenetic relationships of 11 Ericales mitogenomes based on 13 shared protein-coding genes. The support values are illustrated on the branches (left: the ultrafast bootstrap of the ML tree; right: the posterior probability of Bayesian inference). The dot plot represents the gene content in each mitogenome; however, genes shared by all mitogenomes or only lost in one are not illustrated. The rectangle represents the eight gene clusters identified in the three Primula mitogenomes, with C1-C8 representing cluster 1-cluster 8 (detailed information on each cluster is illustrated in Fig. S7). White and gray rectangles represent the loss and retention of these clusters

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