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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Morphometric analysis of the size-adjusted linear dimensions of the skull landmarks revealed craniofacial dysmorphology in Mid1-cKO mice

Fig. 3

Basic morphometric analysis revealed the morphological variance of Mid1-cKO mice. A Linear association between the log-transformed centroid size of skull landmarks and the shape summary score achieved from the Procrustes coordinates in MorphoJ for each mouse. B-D Scatter plots of individual scores of PCA, displaying the degree of morphological variance, explained by percentages in the parentheses. Distribution of Mid1-cKO mutant mice (Mid1flox/y; Wnt1-Cre) and control littermates (Mid1flox/y, Mid1+/y; Wnt1-Cre, Mid1+/y) along the first six principal component axes, estimated using size-adjusted coordinates of 105 skull landmarks of each specimen. E The Euclidean distance between individuals and the grand mean shape of all specimens across PCs 1–5. F The normalized centroid sizes between the groups of control and Mid1-cKO mice showed no differences with statistical significance using unpaired two-tailed t-test (P > 0.05)

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