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Fig. 4 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 4

From: Morphometric analysis of the size-adjusted linear dimensions of the skull landmarks revealed craniofacial dysmorphology in Mid1-cKO mice

Fig. 4

Morphological features of the skulls of Mid1-cKO mice and Wnt1-Cre transgenic mice displayed in 3D wireframes. A Defining relative linear dimensions (RDs) of Mid1-cKO mice that are always 5% larger (red) or smaller (blue) than the mean distances of the control mice (Mid1flox/y, Mid1+/y; Wnt1-Cre, Mid1+/y) are plotted from the superior (upper panel) and lateral view (lower panel), with the strongly differing RDs displayed in grey. B The microCT surface reconstructions of the correspondent Mid1-cKO mouse with the representative defining RDs elaborated on the top and lateral view, non-surface landmarks were illustrated in dotted lines. C Wireframe representing the mean shape differences between Mid1-cKO mice (red) and control mice (green) on selected landmarks on calvarium on the top and lateral view. D Defining RDs in EDMA analysis of Mid1-cKO mice that are always over 5% larger (red) than the mean distances of control mice were displayed on a representative transparent microCT skull on top (upper panel) and lateral view (lower panel). E The strongly different (> 2% larger than the means of control mice including Mid1flox/y and Mid1+/y, displayed in grey lines) RDs of Wnt1-Cre mice plotted from the top view. F and H The microCT surface reconstructions of the correspondent Wnt1-Cre mouse with the representative strongly different RDs elaborated in blue lines on the top and lateral view, non-surface landmarks were illustrated in dotted lines. G Wireframe deformations represented the mean shape differences between Wnt1-Cre mice (blue) and control mice (green) on selected landmarks

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