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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Analysis of genetically determined gene expression suggests role of inflammatory processes in exfoliation syndrome

Fig. 1

Manhattan plot for GWAS meta-analysis and PrediXcan analysis of the genotyping data for XFS. a The lower half of the plot is for the XFS meta-analysis summary statistics data Aung et al., 2017, while the upper half of the plot shows results from PrediXcan analysis for 48 GTEx tissues. On the X axis is plot of variant/gene associations along the chromosomes, while Y axis represent the significance levels for the associations. The legend for PrediXcan analysis on the 48 GTEx tissues, a color for each tissue, is on the right. For both plots the blue dotted line is the “suggestive” genome-wide significant threshold (p < 1e-4), while the red line is the genome-wide significant threshold. On the lower plot, the gene labels are for genes reported/mapped to genome-wide significant signals in GWAS result, while in the upper plot is for genes that are associated at genome-wide significant threshold. For genes associated with XFS at genome-wide threshold in more than one tissues, only the tissue with lowest p-value is labeled. The GWAS plot has been truncated to p < 1e-220 for clarity. b genes in the region in chromosome 15 that show significant association. The size of the balloon for each gene-tissue association is proportional to -log10pvalue and color corresponds to the predicted direction of expression changes: dark-red and blue for increased and decreased expression changes, respectively. Only four genes (EDC3, ULK3, HCN4 & FAM219B) in the whole region were not associated with XFS

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