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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Integrated transcriptomics contrasts fatty acid metabolism with hypoxia response in β-cell subpopulations associated with glycemic control

Fig. 3

Single cell RNA sequencing identifies β-cell-specific genes. (A) Total gene expression and β-cell-specific contribution to gene expression in 20wk low-fat female β-cells. Gold line indicates threshold for β-cell-specific expression. Red dots identify genes that pass the threshold cutoff in this cohort. Arrows identify highly expressed genes associated with β-cell identity. Genes must pass threshold in all cohorts to be considered β-cell-specific for further analysis. (B) UMAP plot of all islet cell types. UMAP plots for β-cell-specific expression of known β-cell markers (C)Ucn3, (D)Slc2a2, (E)Nkx6.1, and (F) Gcgr. UMAP plot for β-cell-specific expression of novel β-cell marker (G)Pdyn. (H) Permutation analysis of β-cell-specific genes in Beta 1 overexpressed genes. Distribution shows expected number of β-cell-specific genes in Beta 1 overexpressed gene set based on chance (n = 1000 permutations), red line indicates real number of β-cell-specific genes in Beta 1 overexpressed gene set. P-value indicates probability of number of β-cell-specific genes in Beta 1 overexpressed gene set due to chance

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