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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Benchmarking datasets for assembly-based variant calling using high-fidelity long reads

Fig. 3

Founder variant detection rates of CLR and HiFi assemblies to estimate true-positive calling performance. A–D, Number of shared or unmatched founder variants detected in each assembly. Founder variants were divided into four groups according to their size and type: A 5–49-bp deletion; B 5–49-bp insertion; C ≥ 50-bp deletion; and D ≥ 50-bp insertion. Blue bar represents founder variants perfectly matched for position and size between ALT1 and ALT2 using the same sequencing mode. Red bar represents partially matched founder variants. Gray bar represents the remaining founder variants identified in a single strain. E Overlap ratios for common founder variants detected using CLR and HiFi assemblies. Full circle represents the ratio of CLR variants covered by HiFi and the empty circle represents vice versa. Colors represent partial- or full-matched variant sets

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