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Fig. 5 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 5

From: Comparative genomics analyses reveal sequence determinants underlying interspecies variations in injury-responsive enhancers

Fig. 5

Variations in IRE inducibility are associated with alterations of AP-1 and ETS motif frequencies. A Pie charts showing the counts and percentages of IREs linked to orthologous (orange) and non-orthologous (grey) genes in zebrafish (left), and IREs activated (blue) or not activated (grey) in mice (right). B Pie charts displaying the counts and percentages of IREs linked to the orthologous (orange) and non-orthologous (grey) genes in mice (left), and IREs induced (blue) or not induced (grey) in zebrafish (right). C-E Aggregation plots of H3K27ac ChIP-seq signals (zebrafish: normalized read counts, mouse: log2 transformed read counts over corresponding input samples) at the genomic regions around peak center (from -2 kb to + 2 kb) of shared (C), zebrafish-specific (D), or mouse-specific (E) IREs in zebrafish and mouse uninjured (orange) and regenerating (blue) hearts. F Distribution of AP-1 (left) or ETS (right) motif frequency of shared IREs between zebrafish and mouse hearts. P-values: paired Student’s t-test. G An example of dynamic changes of shared IREs and their associated genes (zeb2a/Zeb2) upon heart injury in zebrafish and mice. The genomic regions of AP-1 and ETS motif are also shown, and values of motif frequency are listed at the bottom of the graph. Two IREs (with brown shadow) linked by dotted line are orthologous. Arrows under the genes stand for transcription direction. H Dot plots showing AP-1 (left) or ETS (right) motif frequency of zebrafish-specific IREs in zebrafish and orthologous sequences in mice. The orange lines represent mean values for zebrafish, and the blue lines stand for mice. P-values: paired Student’s t-test. I Genome browser view showing dynamics of zebrafish-specific IREs and their associated genes (lepb/Lep) upon cardiac injury in zebrafish and mice. The genomic regions of AP-1 and ETS motif are shown, and values of motif frequency are also listed. Two IREs linked by dotted line are the IRE in zebrafish and orthologous sequence in mice. Arrows under the genes represent the direction of transcription. J Dot plots displaying AP-1 (left) or ETS (right) motif frequency of mouse-specific IREs in mice and orthologs in zebrafish. The orange lines represent mean values for zebrafish, and the blue lines stand for mice. P-values: paired Student’s t-test. K An example displaying changes of mouse-specific IREs and their associated genes (xbp1/Xbp1) upon injury in zebrafish and mice. The genomic regions of AP-1 and ETS motif are shown, and values of motif frequency are also listed at the bottom of the graph. Two IREs linked by dotted line are the IRE in mice and its orthologous sequence in zebrafish. Arrows under the genes indicate transcription direction

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