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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Identifying altered developmental pathways in human globoid cell leukodystrophy iPSCs-derived NSCs using transcriptome profiling

Fig. 2

RNA-seq analysis of the iPSC and NSC lines showed early transcriptional changes. (A) Heat map representing the gene-expression patterns of DEGs found when comparing the K-iPSC and K-NSC lines to control AF-iPSC and AF-NSC lines, using an adjusted p-value of < 0.05 and baseMean cutoff of > 50. Red shading represents elevated expression and blue shading represents decreased expression. (B) Principal component analysis of global gene-expression values. (C–D) Volcano plot-based differential expression analysis of significantly downregulated or upregulated mRNAs in K-iPSCs vs. AF-iPSCs, or K-NSCs vs. AF-NSCs. (E) Histogram displaying the number of upregulated and downregulated genes. (F) Heat map representing the expression of candidate marker genes in iPSC and NSC lines. Red shading represents upregulated expression and green shading represent downregulated expression. The figure labelling AF-iPSCs-1,2,3, K-iPSCs-1,2,3, AF-NSCs-1,2,3 and K-NSCs-1,2,3 represent the technical replicates.

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