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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Examining parent-of-origin effects on transcription and RNA methylation in mediating aggressive behavior in honey bees (Apis mellifera)

Fig. 1

Worker aggression is associated with increased maternal and paternal allele-biased transcription. Transcript abundance of parent and lineage alleles were assessed in non-aggressive and aggressive workers from an EHB and AHB reciprocal cross. The x-axis represents, for each transcript (1,928 in non-aggressive workers and 2,820 in aggressive workers), the average proportion of AHB reads in workers with an EHB mother and AHB father (p1), and the y-axis represents, for each transcript, the average proportion of AHB reads in workers with an AHB mother and EHB father (p2). Each color represents a transcript which is significantly biased at all tested SNP positions: black is maternal, green is AHB, gold is EHB, blue is paternal, and gray is not significant. Significance was determined using the overlap between two statistical tests: a generalized linear interactive mixed model (GLIMMIX) [17, 21, 22], and a Storer-Kim test along with previously established cutoff thresholds [61] of p1 < 0.4 and p2 > 0.6 for maternal bias, p1 > 0.6 and p2 < 0.4 for paternal bias, p1 < 0.4 and p2 < 0.4 for EHB bias, and p1 > 0.6 and p2 > 0.6 for AHB bias

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