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Table 1 Growth indexes and somatic parameters in juvenile G. przewalskii exposed at different temperatures for 15 days

From: Physiological, metabolomic, and transcriptomic reveal metabolic pathway alterations in Gymnocypris przewalskii due to cold exposure




4 °C

17 °C

IBWa (g)

6.34 ± 0.87

6.37 ± 0.93


FBWb (g)**

6.33 ± 0.83

6.80 ± 1.16

 < 0.01

ICFc (%)

1.07 ± 0.08

1.10 ± 0.09


FCFd (%)**

1.15 ± 0.05

1.11 ± 0.08

 < 0.01

WGe (%)**

-0.13 ± 0.01

6.26 ± 0.15

 < 0.01

HSIf (%)**

7.04 ± 0.25

6.52 ± 0.22

 < 0.01

ISIg (%)**

7.28 ± 0.46

6.02 ± 0.13

 < 0.01

Gluh (mmol/L)**

10.70 ± 2.09

6.06 ± 1.54

 < 0.01

TGi (mmol/L)**

1.36 ± 0.37

2.55 ± 0.51

 < 0.01

  1. Values are means of triplicate groups ± SD.  ** means the difference between groups (4 °C vs. 17 °C) is  significant. The asterisks followed by different parameters are significantly different by the Tukey test (* means 0.01 < P < 0.05; ** means P < 0.01)
  2. aIBW = Initial body weight (g)
  3. bFBW = Final body weight (g)
  4. cICF = Condition factor
  5. dFCF = Condition factor
  6. eWG = Percent weight gain (%)
  7. fHSI (Hepatosomatic index) = 100 × liver weight/fish weight
  8. gISI (Intestine Somatic Index) = 100 × Intestine weight/fish weight
  9. hGlu means blood glucose
  10. iTG means triglyceride