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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Genome-wide association study exploring the genetic architecture of eggshell speckles in laying hens

Fig. 3

GWAS results of eggshell speckling. (a) Manhattan plot; (b) QQ plots; (c) LD plot for significant SNPs. In the Manhattan plot, the X-axis represents the chromosomal position corresponding to each SNP (40 and 41 represent the Z and W chromosomes, respectively). The Y-axis represents -log10 (P values). The red and blue lines represent the genome-wide significant threshold (5.87 × 10− 7) and suggestive significant threshold (1.17 × 10− 5), respectively. The QQ plot shows the expected -log10-transformed p value against the observed -log10-transformed p value. The λ value (1.008) is marked in the upper left of the QQ plot. The top line represents the position of the significant SNPs.

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