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Fig. 6 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 6

From: Identifying quantitatively differential chromosomal compartmentalization changes and their biological significance from Hi-C data using DARIC

Fig. 6

Applying DARIC to a compendium of Hi-C datasets across many cell types. A Flowchart showing the pipeline of the analysis. B A snapshot of chromosome 1 showing the PIS tracks across 19 cell lines, the mean and standard deviation of PIS, and segmentation of the genome into five states according to the mean and variability of PIS. C Mean and standard deviation of PIS, as well as the genomic coverage, for the five HMM states. D, E Distributions of TSA-seq (D) and DamID signals (E) for the five types of states. F Heatmap depicting the enrichment of functional genomic elements in the five types of domains. G Heatmap showing the enrichment of tissue-specific genes in the five types of domains. H Stacked bar plot showing the sub-compartment composition for the five types of domains. I PIS variability, defined as the standard deviation of PIS across the 19 cell lines, of the five types of sub-compartments

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