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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Transcription factor-binding k-mer analysis clarifies the cell type dependency of binding specificities and cis-regulatory SNPs in humans

Fig. 3

Comparison of MOCCS profiles reveal cell type-dependent TFs and TF similarity patterns. A Schematic overview of MOCCS profile comparisons between ChIP-seq samples with the same TF and different cell type classes. B Violin plots of k-mer similarity indices (k-sim), Pearson and Jaccard, and the peak overlap index for different groups of ChIP-seq pairs. C Left: UMAP visualization of MOCCS profiles. The point colors represent ChIP-seq samples from different cell type classes. Right: Ratios of neighboring pairs of the same cell type class for the original and permuted data. * p < 6.26e-249 (permutation test; see Methods). D Heat maps and violin plots of k-sim Jaccard values between ChIP-seq samples of the same TFs. The color labels of the heatmaps represent the cell type classes. Cell type classes with only a single ChIP-seq sample were excluded from the visualization. In the violin plots, the x-axis indicates ChIP-seq sample pairs with the same and different cell type classes, and the y-axis indicates k-sim Jaccard values. * p < 0.05 (Mann–Whitney U test). E Left: Pie chart showing the ratio of cell type-dependent to non-cell type-dependent TFs. The null group comprises TFs that could not be tested due to the small sample size. Right: Schematic illustration of the cell type-dependent TFs. For the TFs that we could not perform statistical tests on due to a lack of data, etc., they are marked as Not Applicable (N.A.). F Star graphs display cell type-dependent TF similarity patterns for JUN and GATA2. For each query TF (center), the k-sim Jaccard value (edge colors) of the query TF and the top 15 TFs with the highest differences in k-sim Jaccard values between the two cell type classes (Blood and Pluripotent stem cells) are shown

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