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Fig. 5 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 5

From: Transcription factor-binding k-mer analysis clarifies the cell type dependency of binding specificities and cis-regulatory SNPs in humans

Fig. 5

ΔMOCCS2score profiles are consistent with the in vitro SNP-SELEX data and in vivo allele-specific-binding data. A Schematic overview of the ΔMOCCS2score calculation for SNP-overlapping TF-binding k-mers. B Data processing procedures to calculate the ΔMOCCS2score in SNP-overlapping TF-binding k-mers for a set of SNPs that exhibited significant differential binding to at least one TF in the SNP-SELEX experiments [35]. C Comparison of preferential binding score (PBS) (SNP-SELEX) and ΔMOCCS2score. Each point represents a SNP corresponding to a k-mer pair (ref-k-mer or alt-k-mer). Spearman’s correlation coefficient between the PBS and ΔMOCCS2score and the corresponding p-values (one-sample t-test) were calculated for each TF. Note that we visualized multiple ΔMOCCS2score values for each SNP in each TF because we calculated ΔMOCCS2scores for multiple ChIP-seq samples of all cell types available for the focal TFs. D Data processing procedures to calculate the ΔMOCCS2score for k-mers overlapping SNPs with allele-specific-binding (ASB) events [36]. E Left and middle: Comparison between ASB significance and ΔMOCCS2score. Each point represents a SNP corresponding to a k-mer pair (ref-k-mer or alt-k-mer). Red points are concordant SNPs and blue points are discordant SNPs. Right: Bar plots displaying the ratios of concordant to discordant SNPs for each TF. Asterisks indicate a significant concordance ratio in the TFs (p-values were calculated from the empirical null distribution of the percentage of concordant SNPs and adjusted for multiple testing corrections, q < 0.05)

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