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Table 2. Assemblies of barcoded libraries

From: A comparison of Oxford nanopore library strategies for bacterial genomics

  1. Results of Illumina Paired-Ends (PE), hybrid and nanopore assemblies with Unicycler (PE, PE + PCR, PE + TAG) and Flye/MetaFlye (PCR and TAG) for the barcoded libraries (no barcoding was possible for LIG, see methods). Assemblies are reported as Incomplete molecule (I) or Complete circular molecule ( ). The polished size of curated circular replicons is reported in the last column. Assembly notes are documented with the following indices: near circular molecule (N), presence of small missassemblies (M), tandem repeat length variation (T), large chromosome inversion (X), plasmid concatemer (R), presence of artifactual tandems (A). Note that the two replicons marked with an asterisk (*) (SF1671 and SAF3325) were reassembled with sorted LIG data for circularization and/or further confirmation of the chromosome scaffold. See methods and Additional file 4 Fig. S3 for further information on assembly assessment and replicon curation