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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Identification of plasmids in avian-associated Escherichia coli using nanopore and illumina sequencing

Fig. 1

Hybrid (Illumina + Nanopore) and long read (Nanopore) sequencing to detect E. coli plasmids.  DNA sequence assemblies were prepared from 19 different E. coli isolates and screened for plasmids using MOB-suite software. Strip plots are shown for the total number of unique plasmids detected in: (A) Hybrid and long read assemblies (filtered and unfiltered; Nanopore Ligation and Rapid kits) with or without plasmid prep assemblies; (C) Hybrid and long read assemblies, generated using Nanopore Ligation and Rapid kits, where raw reads were filtered (i.e., > 1000 bp cut-off) or unfiltered prior to assembly; and (D) Hybrid and long read assemblies (filtered + unfiltered) generated using Nanopore Ligation or Rapid kits. (B) The sizes of plasmids detected in all hybrid, long read and plasmid prep assemblies. Bars in (A, B, C, D) represent the mean values. The significance of relationships was determined using t-tests ( P  > 0.05, ns; P  < 0.05, *; P  < 0.001, ***; P  < 0.0001, ****)

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