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Algorithm 1 PRANA: Pseudo-value Regression Approach in Network Analysis

From: PRANA: an R package for differential co-expression network analysis with the presence of additional covariates


\(n_z\) samples (in rows) × p expression levels of genes (in columns) RNA-Seq expression data and \(n_z\) × q phenotype data for each group z = 1, 2.


A vector of adjusted p-values (and coefficient estimates and p-values) of the group variable for each gene k with a covariate adjustment.


Estimate p × p association matrix (a matrix form of a network) via ARACNE [27] from the \(n_z\) × p expression data for each group z = 1, 2.


Obtain the group-specific degree centrality by taking the marginal sums of association matrix of each taxa k ∈ {1, · · · , p}.


Repeat the first two steps above but using the association matrix that is re-estimated from the expression data without the i ∈ {1, · · · , \(n_z\)} individual of \(n_z\) × p data.


Calculate a group-specific jackknife pseudo-value for each gene k and individual i based on summary measures of degree centrality from Steps 2 and 3.


For each gene k, a robust regression is fitted with a binary group variable and additional covariates to obtain the p-values of the group variable. In the regression, a binary group variable is the main predictor to declare a gene is DC between two groups under different conditions (or phenotypes).


Lastly, a vector of gene-specific adjusted p-values [28] of the group variable is returned. See the Results section for more demonstration.