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Fig. 7 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 7

From: Genome-wide association analysis unveils candidate genes and loci associated with aplasia cutis congenita in pigs

Fig. 7

Non-redundancy GO terms of ACC-related genes in Biological Process category. The plot a shows the "TreeMap" view of REVIGO. Each rectangle represents a representative cluster. These representatives are combined into "superclusters," representing loosely related terms and visualized using different colors. The size of the rectangles is adjusted to reflect the P-value and frequency of the GO term in the Mus musculus GOA database. The plot b displays the scatter plot of representative clusters. The log size indicates the frequency of the GO term in the Mus musculus GOA database, with larger sizes indicating more common terms. The numerical value represents the -log10(P-value), with colors ranging from red to blue indicating increasing significance

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