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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Metagenomic analysis reveals distinct changes in the gut microbiome of obese Chinese children

Fig. 1

The gut microbiota composition of obese children, overweight children and the control group. a The gut microbial structures of controls, overweight and obese children at the phylum level. b The differences among the intestinal F/B ratio of controls, overweight and obese children (Mann–Whitney U test; p values correspond to tests between groups in the following order: obese vs overweight, obese vs control, and overweight vs control). c Principal coordinate analysis of the gut microbiota at the species level in controls, overweight and obese children (PERMANOVA test of Bray–Curtis dissimilarity). d The gut microbial structures in controls, overweight and obese children at the species level. e The relative abundance of differentially abundant species in the guts of obese children, overweight children and controls (q values are shown above the corresponding boxplots)

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