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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Exploring the mechanism of artificial selection signature in Chinese indigenous pigs by leveraging multiple bioinformatics database tools

Fig. 3

Genome-wide distribution of selection signatures identified in Yunnan indigenous pigs via XP-EHH method. a Circle Manhattan plot of significant SNPs on the whole genome. The rings from inner to outsider showed results of BS, DNXE, GLGS, and SB. The black dashed lines represent a 99.5% threshold value. The genes were breed-sharing in Yunnan indigenous pigs. b-c Venn diagram about the candidate SNPs detected in Yunnan indigenous pigs and WBA samples. BS, Baoshan pigs; DNXE, Diannanxiaoer pigs; GLGS, Gaoligongshan pigs; SB, Saba pigs; WBA, Asian wild boars

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