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Table 2 Number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) before and after the quality control for each of the scenarios evaluated

From: Identification of eQTLs using different sets of single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with carcass and body composition traits in pigs


Number of SNPs (before quality control)

Number of SNPs after the quality control and prior to LD pruning

Number of SNPs after LD pruning

SNPs from the GGP-50 K SNP chip array


30,872 (S1)

9,210 (S5)

SNPs from the RNA-seq data of the skeletal muscle


74,812 (S2)

18,933 (S6)

SNPs from the GGP-50 K SNP chip array plus the SNPs from the RNA-seq data of the skeletal muscle


104,699 (S3)

30,037 (S7)

Percentage of SNPs from the RNA-seq or GGP-50 K SNP chip array, respectively

71% | 29%

64% | 36%

SNPs from the GGP-50 K SNP chip array plus the SNPs from the RNA-seq data of the skeletal muscle, liver, and brain tissues


135,996 (S4)

105,870 (S8)

Percentage of SNPs from the RNA-seq or GGP-50 K SNP chip array, respectively

78% | 22%

89% | 11%

  1. GGP-50K SNPs from the GeneSeek Genomic Porcine 50K medium density genotyping array, LD Linkage disequilibrium, RNA-seq RNA sequencing, S1-S8 Scenarios 1 to 8. The percentage of RNA-seq and GGP-50K SNPs represents the proportion of SNPs from the pig transcriptome and from the GGP-50K in scenarios S4, S6, S7, and S8