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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Identification of genes regulated by 20-Hydroxyecdysone in Macrobrachium nipponense using comparative transcriptomic analysis

Fig. 1

Volcano plots and count charts of the DEGS. Each point in the volcano plots (A–C) represents a DEG. The x-axis represents the logarithm of the fold difference in expression of a gene in the two experimental groups, the y-axis represents the negative logarithm of the FDR. Green dots represent down-regulated DEGs, red dots represent up-regulated DEGs, and grey dots represent non-DEGs. A ConG vs. ExpG; B ConM vs. ExpM; C ConO vs. ExpO. D The number of DEGs in the two experimental groups, with the x-axis indicating the number of DEGs and the y-axis showing the comparison between groups

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