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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: In-depth transcriptomic analysis of Anopheles gambiae hemocytes uncovers novel genes and the oenocytoid developmental lineage

Fig. 3

Hemocyte single-cell transcriptome analysis. (a) Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) of single-cell hemocyte transcriptomes clustered by for Seurat analysis using the annotated transcripts based on the A. gambiae genome (P 4.14) as reference. Each cluster corresponding to a different hemocyte type is shown with a different color. (b) Jaccard plot showing the similarity between the new hemocyte clusters (horizontal list) and the hemocyte subpopulations previously reported (vertical list). (c) UMAP of single cell hemocyte transcriptomes clustered by for Seurat analysis using the hemocyte transcriptome as reference. Each cluster corresponding to a different hemocyte type is shown with a different color. (d) Jaccard plot showing the similarity between the new hemocyte clusters (horizontal list) and the hemocyte subpopulations previously reported (vertical list)

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