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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Comparative and integrative single cell analysis reveals new insights into the transcriptional immaturity of stem cell-derived β cells

Fig. 3

SC-β and fetal-β cells lack expression of key transcripts, see also Fig. S4 & Table S4. a UMAP of adult β-cells, fetal β-cells, SC β-cells, and TXP SC β-cells clustered. b Pearson correlation coefficient for 2000 most variable expressed genes. c Heatmap of scaled RNA expression indicating top 50 most differentially expressed genes for adult-β, fetal-β, SC-β cells, and TXP SC-β cells. d Volcano plots indicating all differentially expressed genes in SC-β vs adult-β, SC-β vs fetal-β, and fetal-β vs adult-β cells. (Adjusted p-value <0.05) e Violin plots indicating expression level of β-cell maturation associated genes in adult-β, fetal-β, SC-β cells, and TXP SC-β cells. f Bar graphs indicating average RNA counts of various exocrine markers in adult-β, fetal-β, SC-β cells, and TXP SC-β cells. g Heatmap indicating the scaled expression level of ribosomal genes in adult-β, fetal-β, SC-β cells, and TXP SC-β cells

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