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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: The dynamic landscape of chromatin accessibility and active regulatory elements in the mediobasal hypothalamus influences the seasonal activation of the reproductive axis in the male quail under long light exposure

Fig. 3

Cluster analysis revealed different patterns of chromatin accessibility and corresponding transcription factors in the hypothalamus during the activation of the HPG axis. A In the heat map on the left, each row represents a differential open area, and each column represents an ATAC-seq library sample. Libraries from the same treatment are divided by gaps. Z-scores are normalized area coverage counts, with blue indicating low openness and red indicating high openness. In the bubble diagram on the right, the motif corresponding to each cluster enrichment corresponds to transcription factors, where the bubble size represents enrichment degree (target/background), and the color represents enrichment significance -log (P-value). B The genomic location annotation of the peak in Cluster 1. C The genomic location annotation of the peak in Cluster 2. D The genomic location annotation of the peak in Cluster 3. E The genomic location annotation of the peak in Cluster 4

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