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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Integrated analysis reveals FLI1 regulates the tumor immune microenvironment via its cell-type-specific expression and transcriptional regulation of distinct target genes of immune cells in breast cancer

Fig. 2

Three-step SMR analysis prioritized FLI1 and mechanisms in BRCA using blood tissue. A Locus zoom plots show the consistent genetic effects from the BRCA GWAS, cis-mQTLs, and cis-eQTLs near FLI1. The plot shows 14 chromatin state annotations (indicated by colors) of 127 samples from REMC for different primary cells and tissue types (rows). B SMR between FLI1 expression and BRCA GWAS (the first graph), SMR between FLI1 methylation (six methylation sites) and BRCA GWAS (the second to seventh graphs). REMC, Roadmap Epigenomics Mapping Consortium

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