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Fig. 7 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 7

From: Metabolomics and proteomics insights into subacute ruminal acidosis etiology and inhibition of proliferation of yak rumen epithelial cells in vitro

Fig. 7

Differentially abundant proteins of LPS and CONT by TMT-based quantitative proteome analysis in YRECs(n = 3). (a) Differentially abundant proteins in two comparison groups were classified according to molecular functions (MF), cellular components (CC), and biological processes (BP) using the enriched GO terms. The figure shows the enrichment results in three categories, up to 20 of each (P-value ≤ 0.05). (b) Differentially abundant proteins enriched in KEGG pathways. On the horizontal axis, the value represents the proportion of differential proteins in a specific pathway relative to the total count of proteins detected in that pathway. The P-value from the hypergeometric test is depicted through the color variation of each dot in the graph. Each dot’s size corresponds to the number of differential proteins identified within the specific pathway. (c) Structural domain enrichment bubble diagram of proteins with differential abundance. (d) Subcellular localization analysis of differentially abundant proteins. Integrative multi-omic data analysis revealed metabolites and proteins that may be associated with LPS induced injury in YRECs. (e) The bubble map shows the enrichment of DEMs and DEPs in the same KEGG pathways. The ratio of differential metabolites or proteins to the total number of metabolites or proteins in the pathway is depicted on the horizontal axis (Ratio). On the vertical axis, the value reflects the extent of co-enrichment between the metabolome and proteome within the KEGG pathway

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