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Table 1 Features of GenoMycAnalyzer

From: GenoMycAnalyzer: a web-based tool for species and drug resistance prediction for Mycobacterium genomes



Quality control

Provide various quality control statistics, including sequencing depth and mapping status


Identify MTBC and NTM at species levels based on Kraken2

Provide improved species prediction based on a custom-built database

Molecular typing

Provide lineage prediction based on genome-wide SNPs

Provide spoligotype based on the direct repeat locus

Genotypic DST

Provide gDST results for 15 antituberculosis drugs using the WHO mutational catalogue

Detection of large deletions associated with drug resistance


Detected RAVs are visualized in a Circos plot, along with the sequencing depth of the corresponding gene

Integrate the IGV browser to visualize and review the detected variants


Provide pdf formatted report with sample details, assay details, and genomic characteristics

Users can edit additional comment in the report


Users can modify the analysis parameters

Users can add newly discovered RAVs to the knowledge database