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Volume 21 Supplement 6

Selected articles from the 8th IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and medical Sciences (ICCABS 2018): genomics


Publication of this supplement has not been supported by sponsorship. Information about the source of funding for publication charges can be found in the individual articles. The articles have undergone the journal's standard peer review process for supplements. IM was co-author on two papers in the supplement but was not involved with the peer review process of these two papers. No other competing interests were declared.

Las Vegas, NV, USA18-20 October 2018

Conference website

Edited by Ananth Kalyanaraman, Yoo-Ah Kim, Ion Mandoiu, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Pavel Skums and Alex Zelikovsky 

  1. Analysis of heterogeneous populations such as viral quasispecies is one of the most challenging bioinformatics problems. Although machine learning models are becoming to be widely employed for analysis of sequ...

    Authors: Sunitha Basodi, Pelin Icer Baykal, Alex Zelikovsky, Pavel Skums and Yi Pan
    Citation: BMC Genomics 2020 21(Suppl 6):405
  2. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) enables unbiased detection of pathogens by mapping the sequencing reads of a patient sample to the known reference sequence of bacteria and viruses. However, for a new pathogen...

    Authors: Chi-Ming Leung, Dinghua Li, Yan Xin, Wai-Chun Law, Yifan Zhang, Hing-Fung Ting, Ruibang Luo and Tak-Wah Lam
    Citation: BMC Genomics 2020 21(Suppl 6):500
  3. Microbe-microbe and host-microbe interactions in a microbiome play a vital role in both health and disease. However, the structure of the microbial community and the colonization patterns are highly complex to...

    Authors: Musfiqur Sazal, Kalai Mathee, Daniel Ruiz-Perez, Trevor Cickovski and Giri Narasimhan
    Citation: BMC Genomics 2020 21(Suppl 6):663
  4. Third-generation single molecule sequencing technologies can sequence long reads, which is advancing the frontiers of genomics research. However, their high error rates prohibit accurate and efficient downstre...

    Authors: Haowen Zhang, Chirag Jain and Srinivas Aluru
    Citation: BMC Genomics 2020 21(Suppl 6):889

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  • Citation Impact 2023
    Journal Impact Factor: 3.5
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: 4.1
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.083
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.047

    Speed 2023
    Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 21
    Submission to acceptance (median days): 137

    Usage 2023
    Downloads: 7,167,242
    Altmetric mentions: 4,454

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