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Figure 2 | BMC Genomics

Figure 2

From: Comparative study of protein-protein interaction observed in PolyGalacturonase-Inhibiting Proteins from Phaseolus vulgaris and Glycine max and PolyGalacturonase from Fusarium moniliforme

Figure 2

Domain architecture (DA) of the three PGIP molecules. A, B & C show the DA of Pv PGIP1, Pv PGIP2 and Gm PGIP3 respectively. Domains in all the three proteins are arranged as one LRR_NT2 domain followed by nine leucine-rich repeats (R1-R9). The domains are shown by rectangular boxes. Out of the nine LRRs, four have been marked as plant-specific (PS) LRRs (R3-R5, R9). The vertical bars in A and C denote the sequence variations with Pv PGIP2 and the numbers stand for the residue number. The types of vertical bars change with the position of the varying residue, an information obtained from the multiple sequence alignments shown in Figure 3. Plain vertical bars stand for changes that are found in the LRR_NT2 region, the black and grey bars signify residue positions belonging to the conserved region and the variable region of LRRs respectively, while the hatched bars are for those in the non-LRR region.

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