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Fig. 5 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 5

From: Lifespan of restriction-modification systems critically affects avoidance of their recognition sites in host genomes

Fig. 5

Sites representation of both recently acquired and old R-M systems in the actual site-genomes pairs dataset. Percentages of underrepresented, normally presented and overrepresented sites of: (a) plasmid-encoded and chromosome-encoded R-M systems, (b) rare and common R-M systems among chromosome-encoded ones, (c) R-M systems encoded in genomic fragments with various ratios of score to threshold calculated with Alien_hunter program, among chromosome-encoded that are neither rare nor common ones. NP is for R-M system genes encoded in the genomic loci that are not predicted by Alien_hunter as putative horizontally transferred ones. Blue color denotes underrepresented pairs (site, genome), grey color is for overrepresented pairs, pairs with Kr between 0.78 and 1.23 are in white. Helicobacter pylori genomes were excluded from the histograms (see the text)

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