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Fig. 12 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 12

From: Comparative chloroplast genomes: insights into the evolution of the chloroplast genome of Camellia sinensis and the phylogeny of Camellia

Fig. 12

Divergence times and topologies of maximum likelihood trees based on the complete chloroplast genome. Length of each branch was not shown in the two phylogenetic trees. C. sinensis var. sinensis (Chinary type tea) and two C. sinensis var. assamica (Chinese Assamica type tea and Indian Assamica type tea) were highlighted with red star mark. ‘Wuyi narcissus’ cultivar of C. sinensis var. sinensis (natural triploid Chinary type tea) was highlighted with blue circle mark. The ages of stratigraphic boundaries were obtained from the International Chronostratigraphic Chart (Pl, Pliocene; Qu, Quaternary) [32], with a scale as million years ago (Mya). The divergence time of each node among Camellia species was showed in the table below

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