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Fig. 13 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 13

From: Comparative chloroplast genomes: insights into the evolution of the chloroplast genome of Camellia sinensis and the phylogeny of Camellia

Fig. 13

Phylogeny of Camellia inferred from maximum likelihood analysis of the complete chloroplast genome dataset. Numbers associated with nodes indicated ML bootstrap support (BS)/Bayesian inference (BI) posterior probabilities (PPs) values. Asterisks represented nodes with maximal support values in both analyses. Dash denoted nodes unresolved or with BS/PPs support in the ML/BI trees less than 50%/0.5. C. sinensis var. sinensis (Chinary type tea) and two C. sinensis var. assamica (Chinese Assamica type tea and Indian Assamica type tea) were highlighted with red star mark. ‘Wuyi narcissus’ cultivar of C. sinensis var. sinensis (natural triploid Chinary type tea) was highlighted with blue circle mark. Specie classification was based on Ming et al., 2000

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