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Fig. 8 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 8

From: Transcriptomics analysis of Toxoplasma gondii-infected mouse macrophages reveals coding and noncoding signatures in the presence and absence of MyD88

Fig. 8

Greater than 550 Toxoplasma gondii genes were differentially expressed between the highly virulent RH strain and the less virulent PTG strain, but none were significantly different between wild type mice and MyD88 KO mice. BMDM from wild type and MyD88 KO mice were infected with RH or PTG tachyzoites, and 6 h later RNA was isolated for sequencing. Differentially expressed T. gondii genes were identified based on statistical significance (PPDE greater than 0.95) and a fold change of greater or less than 2. a Total number of T. gondii genes of higher or lower abundance for each comparison. b Venn diagrams showing shared expression changes between wild type and MyD88 KO samples for RH vs. PTG. c Pathways enriched between RH and PTG infection of wild type macrophages d Pathways enriched between RH and PTG infection of MyD88 KO BMDM. e Biological process enrichment between RH and PTG infection of wild type macrophages. f Biological process enrichment between RH and PTG infection of MyD88 KO cells

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