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Fig. 4 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 4

From: Rapid sequence evolution driven by transposable elements at a virulence locus in a fungal wheat pathogen

Fig. 4

Analysis of transposable element dynamics across continents. a Analysis of 122 isolates for which a draft genome assembly produced a scaffold containing both flanking genes Zt09_1_01590 and Zt09_1_01591. b Boxplot showing variation in the distance between the two genes per population. c TE content variation of the sequence flanked by the two genes. d Total TE copies in the sequence flanked by the two genes. e Frequency of the TE families in the sequence flanked by the two genes as a percentage of the population. f Frequency of TE families among the isolates from the GWAS mapping population (n = 50 with a scaffold spanning both genes) (g-i) Boxplots showing the expression of the genes Zt09_1_01590 and Zt09_1_01591, and pycnidia counts, respectively, for isolates carrying or not specific TEs at the top locus

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