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Influence of selection on the probability of fixation at a locus with multiple alleles



Genes exist in a population in a variety of forms (alleles), as a consequence of multiple mutation events that have arisen over the course of time. In this work we consider a locus that is subject to either multiplicative or additive selection, and has n alleles, where n can take the values 2, 3, 4, \(\ldots\). We focus on determining the probability of fixation of each of the n alleles. For \(n = 2\) alleles, analytical results, that are ‘exact’, under the diffusion approximation, can be found for the fixation probability. However generally there are no equally exact results for \(n \ge 3\) alleles. In the absence of such exact results, we proceed by finding results for the fixation probability, under the diffusion approximation, as a power series in scaled strengths of selection such as \(R_{i,j}=2N_{e}(s_{i}-s_{j})\), where \(N_{e}\) is the effective population size, while \(s_{i}\) and \(s_{j}\) are the selection coefficients associated with alleles i and j, respectively.


We determined the fixation probability when all terms up to second order in the \(R_{i,j}\) are kept. The truncation of the power series requires that the \(R_{i,j}\) cannot be indefinitely large. For magnitudes of the \(R_{i,j}\) up to a value of approximately 1, numerical evidence suggests that the results work well. Additionally, results given for the particular case of \(n = 3\) alleles illustrate a general feature that holds for \(n \ge 3\) alleles, that the fixation probability of a particular allele depends on that allele’s initial frequency, but generally, this fixation probability also depends on the initial frequencies of other alleles at the locus, as well as their selective effects.


We have analytically exposed the leading way the probability of fixation, at a locus with multiple alleles, is affected by selection. This result may offer important insights into CDCV traits that have extreme phenotypic variance due to numerous, low-penetrance susceptibility alleles.

Peer Review reports


Standard population genetics theory often treats loci as biallelic [1]. Variants of a gene are then often described as ‘wild-type’ and ‘mutant’ or ‘major allele’ and ‘minor allele’. For the most part, this treatment suffices for exploring the roles of natural selection and genetic drift (e.g., [2]) and is often assumed in data analysis [3]. However, in general, genes exist in populations in a variety of forms, as a consequence of multiple mutation events that have arisen over the course of the gene’s evolution, but with the discovery that tri-allelic single nucleotide polymorphisms are far more prevalent than previously believed [4], additional mechanisms may also be occurring.

The applicability of ‘binning’ of multiple alleles into two groups, e.g., with all deleterious alleles placed in one group, depends on context. Take, for example, the single-gene disorder cystic fibrosis. The gene responsible for the coding of the transmembrane regulator protein is known to have in excess of 700 mutations. Despite this, cystic fibrosis (CF) is typically described by having a wild-type allele and recessive lethal allele. Of the many hundreds of known deleterious mutations in the CFTR gene, 70% of CF cases are due to the presence of just one of these, the \(\Delta F508\) mutation [5]. However, alternative alleles are brought into the story when the focus alters to, for example, compound heterozygosity [6]. Cystic fibrosis, is, however, unrepresentative of most genetic disorders that afflict human populations. Most detrimental genetic conditions fall in to either the common disease - common variants (CDCV) or common disease - rare variants (CDRV) models of complex genetic disorders, which are typically polygenic and possibly multifactorial. Although there may be large phenotypic differences that result from genotypic variation (e.g., disease vs no disease), selection is expected to play out between lots of alleles, with each contributing only small phenotypic effects, leading to small changes in allele frequencies over time [7]. There is growing evidence that common disorders, such as schizophrenia, tend to fall into the CDRV model, with multiple mutations at a single gene [8] and where there is some evidence of selective sweeps [9]. Either way, there could be numerous, potentially distinct, selection coefficients pertaining to each genotype, producing a much more complex dynamic than that described by binning alleles.

In this work we address the nature of the multiple allele dynamics by considering the probability of fixation at a locus where there are generally more than two alleles segregating. In particular, our objective is to derive an analytical approximation to the probability of fixation for each of the n alleles at the locus.

In almost any situation, other than neutrality of the locus [10], having more than two alleles makes the problem significantly harder to analyse. Even numerical treatments of exact models, for modestly sized populations, can become overwhelmed by the size of the matrices that are required [11].

In order to make some progress, we have restricted considerations to basic problems of biological interest that involve a locus with multiple alleles, where selection acts. We have taken the population under consideration to be diploid and sexual, with reproduction occurring by random mating. We assume there is an equal sex ratio and no sexual dimorphism. Selection acts at a single unlinked locus, at which there are n alleles, with no restriction on the number of alleles (thus n can take the values 2, 3, 4, \(\ldots\)). Selection is assumed to be either multiplicative or additive in character, but weak in the sense that selection coefficients have magnitudes that are small; with s a typical selection coefficient, we assume \(|s|\ll 1\).

For the diploid locus under selection, the assumptions just made about selection correspond to the effective absence of dominance. This allows the diploid results to be converted to results for a haploid population (with multiple types/alleles), by simply halving the effective population size in the diploid results.

The occurrence of selection coefficients of small magnitude seems to be very common [12]. However, there are some important cases where selection coefficients do not have small magnitudes. For example, Alzheimer’s disease has the common \(\epsilon 4\) allele of the APOE (apolipoprotein E) which is estimated to incur a 3 to 4-fold increase in the risk of developing late-onset Alzheimer’s disease [13]. However, it is this allele’s influence on vitamin D levels in early life that mark it out as an example of a CDCV [14] with a potentially high (positive) selection coefficient. In light of this, our results are currently of relevance to a class of genetic traits with multiple small-effect alleles. Despite the assumption of \(|s|\ll 1\), there may still be some value in exploring the dynamics of multi-allelic genes that also contain a lethal mutation (\(|s|\approx 1\)) [15]. For example, lethal alleles tend to exist in equilibrium at the frequency of the order of the mutation rate (i.e., very low), and arguably play a minor role at the scale of the population. The relative influence on fitness of the other non-lethal alleles, albeit with much smaller selection coefficients may then have an important bearing on the evolution of the gene’s diversity.


The fixation probability, in a multi-allelic context with selection, has previously been explored via a numerically exact Wright-Fisher approach [11], and at first-order in selection via a coalescent approach [16]. Here we work under the diffusion approximation (see e.g., [17] or [18]) where both frequencies and time are approximated as quantities that take continuous values. In what follows, we take it to be understood that any ‘exact’ results we give are exact within the framework of the diffusion approximation, and that any ‘approximate’ results we give are approximations relative to results of the diffusion approximation.

For \(n = 2\) alleles, the form of selection adopted allows analytical results that are ‘exact’ under the diffusion approximation. However, we do not have equally ‘exact’ results for \(n\ge 3\) alleles except in a rather special case, which we shall present in this work. We will use this special case as a testing ground of the results we derive. In the absence of exact results, we proceed by finding approximate results. We determine the fixation probabilities of the different alleles in the form of a power series in scaled strengths of selection, such as \(R_{i,j}=2N_{e}(s_{i}-s_{j})\), where \(N_{e}\) is the effective population size, while \(s_{i}\) and \(s_{j}\) are the selection coefficients associated with alleles i and j, respectively. We determine the form of the fixation probabilities, when keeping all terms to second order in the \(R_{i,j}\). Higher order approximations can be obtained, if required, with more calculations along the lines presented in this work.

Of course, truncating a series in the scaled strength of selection implies that the \(R_{i,j}\) cannot be indefinitely large. Analytical evidence that we shall later present, leads us to conservatively suggest that the approximate results presented here hold reasonably for magnitudes of the \(R_{i,j}\) up to a value of approximately 1. This means the set of \(R_{i,j}\) values that are accessible by the results presented in this work cover a range of scaled selection strengths, allowing an allele to be deleterious (\(R_{i,j}\sim -1\)), neutral (\(R_{i,j}\sim 0\)), or beneficial (\(R_{i,j}\sim 1\)) relative to other alleles at the locus.

Another way of thinking about restrictions on the values of the \(R_{i,j}\) is that the results we present can apply in very large populations, provided selection coefficients are very similar to each other, in particular, only differing by an amount of order \(1/N_e\) from each other.


To determine fixation probabilities we need to consider the detailed dynamics of the population.

We consider a locus with n alleles, labelled \(i=1,2,\ldots ,n\). We use \(X_{i}(t)\) to denote the frequency of allele i at time t, and collect the frequencies of all alleles into a column vector, \(\textbf{X}(t)\), that has n components.

The set of allele frequencies, contained in \(\textbf{X}(t)\), randomly changes over time, but always maintains a sum of unity, as befits a set of proportions. We denote a possible value of \(\textbf{X}(t)\) by lower case bold symbols, such as \(\textbf{x}\).

Under the diffusion approximation, the set of allele frequencies, \(\textbf{X}(t)\), obeys the following equation, which determines how the frequencies changeFootnote 1 from time t to time \(t + dt\) due to selection and drift:

$$\begin{aligned} d\textbf{X}(t)=\textbf{F}(\textbf{X}(t))dt+\textbf{M}(\textbf{X} (t))d\textbf{W}(t). \end{aligned}$$

Here we briefly summarise the key quantities in this equation, with a full description given in Sect. 1.1 of the Supplementary Material.

  1. 1.

    The quantity \(\textbf{F}(\textbf{x})\) is a column vector representing the effect of selection on the n allele frequencies, when their values are given by \(\textbf{x}\). The components of \(\textbf{F}(\textbf{x})\) are written as \(F_{i}(\textbf{x})\), with \(i=1,2,...,n\). We assume selection is multiplicative (genic) or additive, where the genotype containing alleles i and j has a fitness proportional to \((1+s_{i})(1+s_{j})\) or \((1+s_{i}+s_{j})\), respectively, and we refer to the \(s_{i}\) as selection coefficients. We assume all selection coefficients are small (\(|s_{i}|\ll 1\)), in which case multiplicative and additive selection are very similar, and to leading order in the \(s_{i}\), both schemes of selection lead to

    $$\begin{aligned} F_{i}(\textbf{x})=x_{i}\left( s_{i}-{\displaystyle \sum \nolimits _{j=1}^{n}} s_{j}x_{j}\right) . \end{aligned}$$
  2. 2.

    The quantity \(\textbf{M}(\textbf{x})\) in Eq. (1) is an \(n \times n\) matrix that contains properties of random genetic drift. It depends on allele frequencies and the effective population size, \(N_{e}\). The matrix \(\textbf{M}(\textbf{x})\) multiplies the quantity \(d\textbf{W}(t)\) , which is a vector containing n independent random functions of time, that capture randomness of the action of genetic drift on allele frequencies.

  3. 3.

    Taking the initial time to be zero (\(t=0\)), we take the initial frequency of allele i to be \(y_{i}\) thus

    $$\begin{aligned} X_{i}(0)=y_{i}. \end{aligned}$$

    We collect all of the \(y_{i}\) into a column vector that we write as y.

  4. 4.

    We use \(P_{i}(\textbf{y})\) to denote the probability that allele i ultimately achieves fixation, when the set of all initial frequencies are given by y. Generally, the fixation probability of allele i, namely \(P_{i}(\textbf{y})\), depends on the initial frequencies of all alleles, and not just on the initial frequency of allele i. Noting that since fixation of one allele drives the frequencies of all other alleles to zero, fixation of different alleles are mutually exclusive events. Furthermore, fixation of one of the alleles is the only possible outcome at large t. This leads to the set of n fixation probabilities constituting a probability distribution that follows, at large times, from the averaged solution of Eq. (1).

  5. 5.

    The fixation probability \(P_{i}(\textbf{y})\) depends on \(N_{e}\) and the \(s_{j}\), but only in the combination \(N_{e}(s_{i}-s_{j})\). We define scaled selection coefficients by

    $$\begin{aligned} R_{j}=2N_{e}s_{j} \end{aligned}$$

    and write their differences as

    $$\begin{aligned} R_{j,k}=R_{j}-R_{k}\equiv 2N_{e}(s_{j}-s_{k}) \end{aligned}$$

    which we often call scaled strengths of selection.

Results, based on an expansion of the \(P_{i}(\textbf{y})\)

We shall now present the results of this work, for the probabilities of fixation of the n different alleles. The results are expressed as a power series in scaled strengths of selection (the \(R_{j,k}\)). Such an approximation applies for an arbitrary number of alleles, thus n can take the values \(2,3,\ldots\). By its very nature, an approximation based on a truncated expansion is expected to work well for a limited range of the \(R_{j,k}\). For reasons we explain later, based on analytical results, we take the magnitudes of the \(R_{i,j}\) to be limited to a value of approximately 1 (i.e., \(|R_{j,k}|\lesssim 1\)). Within this constraint on the \(R_{j,k}\), there can be an arbitrary pattern of values of the selection coefficients, \(s_{1},s_{2},\ldots ,s_{n}\).

The approximate form of \(P_{i}(\textbf{y})\) follows from the diffusion approximation, and originates in Eq. (1). We note that if \(P_{i}(\textbf{y})\) is approximated by \(P_{i}(\textbf{y})\simeq c\), where c is independent of the \(R_{j,k}\) (but c depends on the initial frequencies, y), then we say the approximation is zeroth order in the \(R_{j,k}\), while if the approximation takes the form \(P_{i}(\textbf{y})\simeq c+\sum _{a,b=1}^{n}c_{a,b}R_{a,b}\) where the coefficients c and \(c_{a,b}\) are independent of the \(R_{j,k}\), then we say the approximation is first order in the \(R_{j,k}\) etc.

Here, we present the second order approximation of the fixation probability of allele i \((i=1,2,\ldots ,n)\). The approximation depends on the scaled strengths of selection (the \(R_{j,k}\)) in the form of the quantity

$$\begin{aligned} Q_{i}\equiv Q_{i}(\textbf{y})=\sum\limits_{j=1}^{n}R_{i,j}y_{j}. \end{aligned}$$

We find that the approximation of the fixation probability of allele i is given by

$$\begin{aligned} P_{i}(\textbf{y})\simeq y_{i}\times \left[ 1+Q_{i}+\frac{1}{3}\left( Q_{i}^{2}-\sum\limits_{j=1}^{n}y_{j}Q_{j}^{2}\right) \right] , \qquad i=2,3,\ldots ,n \end{aligned}$$

- see Sect. 1.2 of the Supplementary Material for details.

The form of \(P_{i}(\textbf{y})\) in Eq. (7) is the complete second order approximation to the fixation probabilities, and contains all quadratic terms in the scaled strengths of selection.

Since the Q’s are linear in the scaled strengths of selection, it follows from Eq. (7) that the zeroth order approximation to the fixation probability contains no Q terms and is given by \(P_{i}(\textbf{y})=y_{i}\). This is the neutral result, where the probability of fixation of allele i, for \(i=1,2,\ldots ,n\), is simply its initial frequency, \(y_{i}\). The first order approximation of the fixation probability contains terms in \(Q^{0}\) and \(Q^{1}\) and is given by \(P_{i}(\textbf{y})\simeq y_{i}\times \left( 1+Q_{i}\right)\), while the second order approximation is directly given in Eq. (7), and involves terms up to \(Q^{2}\).

The question of the range of the \(R_{j,k}\), over which the approximation in Eq. (7) reasonably holds, is addressed in Sect. 1.3 of the Supplementary Material. While we do not have a definitive answer, consideration of special cases indicate that if the magnitude of the \(R_{j,k}\) are too large then the approximate fixation probability does not exhibit appropriate dependence on the initial frequencies. These considerations lead us to conservatively suggest that the approximation in Eq. (7) will reliably hold for magnitudes of the \(R_{i,j}\) up to approximately 1.

Comparison with two exact results

We now consider two cases of the fixation probability, for multiplicative or additive selection, that are ‘exact’ within the framework of the diffusion approximation. These two cases allow some understanding (and testing) of the relation between the series approximation of the fixation probability, that is derived in this work (Eq. (7)), and the ‘exact’ fixation probability.

Two alleles

The first exact result for the fixation probability that we consider was obtained by Kimura, for \(n=2\) alleles [19]. We write Kimura’s probability of fixation of allele 1 as

$$\begin{aligned} P_{1,K}(\textbf{y})=\frac{1-e^{-2R_{1,2}y_{1}}}{1-e^{-2R_{1,2}}},\qquad n=2. \end{aligned}$$

Note that the way we have defined selection coefficients, so that e.g., under additive selection, the genotype containing alleles i and j has a fitness proportional to \((1+s_{i}+s_{j})\), it follows that \(P_{1,K}(\textbf{y })\) in Eq. (8) depends on the difference of the scaled selection coefficients of allele 1 and allele 2, namely \(R_{1,2}\equiv 2N_{e} (s_{1}-s_{2})\), along with the initial frequency of allele 1, namely \(y_{1}\).

To have a useful comparison with the results we establish, we expand the result for \(P_{1,K}(\textbf{y})\), in Eq. (8), up to and including terms that are second order in \(R_{1,2}\), with the result

$$\begin{aligned} P_{1,K}(\textbf{y})\simeq y_{1}\times \left[ 1+\left( 1-y_{1}\right) R_{1,2}+ \frac{1}{3}\left( 1-3y_{1}+2y_{1}^{2}\right) R_{1,2}^{2}\right] . \end{aligned}$$

We point out that this approximation works very reasonably, for a range of \(R_{1,2}\). For example, for \(y_{1}=1/200\), the above approximation is illustrated in Fig. 1 for \(R_{1,2}\) lying in the range –1 to 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Fixation probability, and its approximations, at a locus with \(n=2\) alleles. For the figure, the initial frequencies of the two alleles at the locus are held constant at the values \(y_{1}=1/200\) and \(y_{2}=1-1/200\). Kimura’s diffusion approximation for the probability of fixation of allele 1 (Eq. (8)) is plotted as a function of the scaled strength of selection, \(R_{1,2} \equiv 2N_{e}(s_{1}-s_{2})\). This plot is accompanied by plots of ‘series approximations’ of Kimura’s result, one of which is first order in \(R_{1,2}\), while the other is second order in \(R_{1,2}\) (see Eq. (9))

A noticeable aspect of Fig. 1 is that the plot of \(P_{1,K}(\textbf{y})\) against \(R_{1,2}\) exhibits an appreciable level of curvature, and hence differs from a straight line. The first order approximation of Kimura’s result (in Eq. (8)) is \(P_{1,K}(\textbf{y})\simeq y_{1} \times \left[ 1+\left( 1-y_{1}\right) R_{1,2}\right]\). For a given set of initial frequencies (i.e., holding y constant), the plot of this approximation, against \(R_{1,2}\), is a straight line, as shown in Fig. 1, and a first order approximation cannot capture the observed curvature. By contrast, a second order approximation can, for a range of selection strengths, very reasonably capture the curvature, as shown in Fig. 1. This more generally motivates a second order approximation of the fixation probability.

We have also determined a third order approximation. In particular, the third order term that could be added to Eq. (9) is given by \(-y_{1}^{2}(1-y_{1})^{2}R_{1,2}^{3}/3\). This third order term, divided by the corresponding second order term, has a magnitude that to leading order in \(y_{1}\) is given by \(|R_{1,2}|y_{1}\). The third order term will thus make only a very small additional contribution in Eq. (9) if \(|R_{1,2}|\) is in the vicinity of 1 and \(y_{1}\) is very small compared with 1.


For \(n=2\) alleles, we can determine the form of the approximate fixation probability given in Eq. (7), as follows.

The \(Q_{i}\) are given by \(Q_{1}=R_{1,2}y_{2}\equiv R_{1,2}(1-y_{1})\) and \(Q_{2}=-R_{1,2}y_{1}\). Then \(Q_{1}^{2}-\sum _{j=1}^{2}y_{j}Q_{j}^{2} = R_{1,2}^{2}(1-y_{1})(1-2y_{1})\). Using these results in Eq. (7) leads to an identical result to Eq. (9), which was obtained by expanding Kimura’s result to second order in \(R_{1,2}\).

Two selection coefficients, multiple alleles

The above two-allele case is useful to test and illustrate matters, but this work is generally about fixation when there are multiple (\(> 2\)) alleles. We now consider such a multiple allele case, and to allow a clear test/illustration of the result for the fixation probability (in Eq. (7)), we consider a problem that has an exact solution under the diffusion approximation. For definiteness, we shall restrict our considerations to additive selection.

We note that while Eq. (7) holds for n alleles, which generally have different additive selection coefficients, our requirement of an exact solution suggests the following simplified scenario. The n alleles (n arbitrary), at a locus subject to weak additive selection, are divided into two groups that we call Group 1 and Group 2. All alleles in Group 1 have the common additive selection coefficient \(S_{1}\), while all alleles in Group 2 have the common additive selection coefficient \(S_{2}\). This means an individual containing any two Group 1 alleles has fitness proportional to \(1+2S_{1}\), while an individual containing any Group 1 allele and any Group 2 allele has a fitness proportional to \(1+S_{1}+S_{2}\), and an individual containing any two Group 2 alleles has fitness proportional to \(1+2S_{2}\). We take there to be m alleles in Group 1, labelled \(1,2,\ldots ,m\), and \(n-m\) alleles in Group 2, labelled \(m+1,m+2,\ldots ,n\). Thus the corresponding additive selection coefficients of the different alleles are \(s_{1}=s_{2}=\ldots s_{m}=S_{1}\), and \(s_{m+1}=s_{m+2}=\ldots s_{n}=S_{2}\).

All of the alleles in a group can be thought of as jointly constituting a ‘collective allele’, whose frequency is the sum of the frequencies of all alleles in that group. The probability of fixation of any of the n alleles at the locus can be obtained from the product of two probabilities: (i) the probability of fixation of the entire group containing the allele, and (ii) the probability of fixation of the allele, within this group, where all alleles within the group can be treated as being neutral, since they all have the same effect on the fitness of their carriers.

Proceeding along these lines, we consider the fixation probability of allele i, which lies in Group 1. Let the m alleles in Group 1 have initial frequencies \(y_{1},y_{2},\ldots ,y_{m}\). Then with Y the sum of these frequencies:

$$\begin{aligned} Y=\sum\limits_{i=1}^{m}y_{i} \end{aligned}$$

the probability of Group 1 being the group that achieves fixation, under the diffusion approximation, follows from Kimura’s formula (Eq. (8)) in the form \(\left( 1-e^{-2RY}\right) /\left( 1-e^{-2R}\right)\) where, as in Eq. (8), a difference of selection coefficients, here

$$\begin{aligned} R=2N_{e}(S_{1}-S_{2}) \end{aligned}$$

appears in the fixation probability:

Next, purely within Group 1, the probability that allele i is the allele that fixes is given by the neutral fixation probability - applied to Group 1. This probability is the initial relative frequency of allele i within Group 1, i.e., \(y_{i}/Y\).

The overall probability of allele i achieving fixation is then given by the product of the two probabilities just calculated:

$$\begin{aligned} P_{i}(\textbf{y})=\frac{y_{i}}{Y}\times \frac{1-e^{-2RY}}{1-e^{-2R}}\qquad i=1,2,\ldots ,m. \end{aligned}$$

A closely related formula holds for the fixation of any of the \(n-m\) alleles in Group 2.

Approximating Eq. (12) to second order in R yields

$$\begin{aligned} P_{i}(\textbf{y})\simeq y_{i}\times \left[ 1+\left( 1-Y\right) R+\frac{1}{3} \left( 1-3Y+2Y^{2}\right) R^{2}\right] . \end{aligned}$$

In this case, the ratio of the third order term in R (not shown) to the second order term has a magnitude that to leading order in Y is given by |R|Y.


We now compare the result in Eq. (13), which was derived by expansion in R of an ‘exact’ fixation probability in a multiple allele model with two selection coefficients, with the approximate result given in Eq. (7), which was derived in a more general context.

We again use \(R=2N_{e}(S_{1}-S_{2})\). Then for \(i=1,2,\ldots ,m\), we have \(Q_{i}=R\sum\nolimits_{k=m+1}^{n}y_{k}=R(1-Y)\), and for \(j=m+1,m+2,\ldots ,n\), we have \(Q_{j}=-R\sum\nolimits_{k=1}^{m}y_{k}=-RY\). These results lead, for \(i=1,2,\ldots ,m\), to \(Q_{i}^{2}-\sum\nolimits_{j=1}^{n}y_{j}Q_{j}^{2}=(1-Y)(1-2Y)R^{2}\). Using these results in Eq. (7) leads to an identical result to Eq. (13).

This example allows us to make a straightforward comparison of an ‘exact’ result for \(n > 2\) alleles and its second order approximation. We observe that the results in Eqs. (12) and (13), when divided by \(y_{i}\), only depend on two parameters, namely Y and R. Thus, in Fig. 2 we plot \(P_{i}(\textbf{y})/y_{i}\) against R, for several values of Y to obtain an indication of the accuracy of the second order approximation.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Comparing results that apply for \(n > 2\) alleles. We compare the quantity \(P_{i}(\textbf{y})/y_{i}\) whose ‘exact’ form under the diffusion approximation follows from Eq. (12), and whose second order approximation follows from Eq. (13). The ratio \(P_{i} (\textbf{y})/y_{i}\) takes the same value for all alleles (i.e., is independent of i), and depends just on the ‘group’ frequency, Y (Eq. (10)), and the scaled strength of selection, R (Eq. (11))

From Fig. 2, we see, for essentially all values of Y, that the second order approximation of the fixation probability performs very well.

Three alleles

We now investigate how Eq. (7), for the approximate fixation probability, applies to the case of three alleles. We generally have no analytically exact results for this case.

The scaled selection coefficients associated with the three alleles are \(R_{1}\), \(R_{2}\) and \(R_{3}\), respectively, and initially we do not assume any relation between these.

Using Eq. (6), we readily find that \(Q_{1}=R_{1,2}y_{2}+R_{1,3}y_{3}\), and using this equation, along with \(y_{1}=1-y_{2}-y_{3}\) and \(R_{2,3} =-R_{1,2}+R_{1,3}\), allows us to obtain a simple form for \(Q_{1}^{2} - \sum\nolimits_{j=1}^{3}y_{j}Q_{j}^{2}\), namely \(Q_{1} ^{2}-\sum\nolimits_{j=1}^{3}y_{j} Q_{j}^{2}=2\left( R_{1,2}y_{2}+R_{1,3}y_{3}\right) ^{2}\). Equation (7) then yields the following approximation for the fixation probability of allele 1:

$$\begin{aligned} P_{1}(\textbf{y}) & \simeq y_{1}\times \bigg [1+\left( R_{1,2}y_{2} +R_{1,3}y_{3}\right) \bigg .\nonumber \\ & \qquad \bigg .+\frac{2}{3}\left( R_{1,2}y_{2}+R_{1,3}y_{3}\right) ^{2}-\frac{ 1}{3}\left( R_{1,2}^{2}y_{2}+R_{1,3}^{2}y_{3}\right) \bigg ]. \end{aligned}$$

The result in Eq. (14) depends on two scaled strengths of selection, namely \(R_{1,2}\) and \(R_{1,3}\), and these mediate the effects of the initial frequencies of alleles 2 and 3 (which are \(y_{2}\) and \(y_{3}\), respectively).

The presence of \(y_{2}\) and \(y_{3}\) in \(P_{1}(\textbf{y})\) signals a significant departure from the result for \(n=2\) alleles. In the \(n=2\) case, specifying the initial frequency of an allele of interest (say allele 1) fully determines the frequency of the other allele (allele 2), and hence fully determines the fixation probability. However, for \(n=3\), and higher n, specifying the initial frequency of allele 1 does not fully determine the frequencies of the other alleles. For the case of three alleles, the sum of the three initial frequencies is unity, hence specifying the value of \(y_{1}\) corresponds to \(y_{2}+y_{3}\) being constrained to equal \(1-y_{1}\). However, this means that \(y_{2}\) can lie anywhere in the range \(0\le y_{2}\le 1-y_{1}\). There is thus an additional level of freedom in the problem with three alleles, compared with two.

In Fig. 3 we illustrate how the additional freedom in the \(n=3\) allele problem affects the fixation probability. For the figure, we held \(y_{1}\) constant, at the value 1/200, and investigated how changing \(y_{2}\) affectedFootnote 2 the fixation probability of allele 1, i.e., \(P_{1}(\textbf{y})\). To give an idea of the possible behaviours that can occur, we determined the fixation probability of allele 1 for different patterns of selection, corresponding to the scaled selection coefficients, \((R_{1},R_{2},R_{3})\), being given by all combinations of the values 0, \(\frac{1}{2}\) and 1. That is, \((R_{1},R_{2},R_{3})\) was set equal to the six different sets \((1,\frac{1}{2},0)\), \((1,0,\frac{1}{2})\), \((\frac{1}{2},1,0)\), \((\frac{1}{2},0,1)\), \((0,1,\frac{1}{2})\) and \((0,\frac{1}{2},1)\). The six curves in Fig. 3 represent the fixation probabilities associated with these six different sets of scaled selection coefficients.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The fixation probability of allele 1 at a locus with \(n=3\) alleles. For the figure, the initial frequency of allele 1 was held constant at the value \(y_{1}=1/200\). The second order approximation of the fixation probability of allele 1 (Eq. (14)), relative to the neutral result, i.e., \(P_{1}(\textbf{y})/y_{1}\), is plotted as a function of the initial frequency of allele 2, namely \(y_{2}\). This frequency is allowed to range from \(y_{2}=0\) to \(y_{2}=1-y_{1}\) (the value of \(y_{3}\) is set equal to \(1-y_{1}-y_{2}\), i.e., fully determined by the value of \(y_{2}\)). For the purpose of illustration, we allowed the scaled selection coefficients, \((R_{1},R_{2},R_{3})\), to be given by all six combinations of 0, \(\frac{1}{2}\) and 1, as reflected in the legend of the figure

Figure 3 illustrates that when there are more than 2 alleles at a locus, even when the initial frequency of a focal allele is specified, the fixation probability of that allele can have a range of possible values. The actual value of the fixation probability generally depends on relevant selective differences, along with ‘cryptic’ features, namely the initial frequencies of all non-focal alleles.

While we have no analytic test of the results presented in Fig. 3, which follow from Eq. (14), we have carried out simulations of the exact Wright-Fisher model that underlies our analysis. Results given in Sect. 1.4 of the Supplementary Material, including Table 1, indicate reasonable agreement between the approximation given in Eq. (14) and simulations.


Genes typically range in the many thousands of base pairs, presenting numerous opportunities for mutation events that plausibly make the multi-allelic state of a gene the norm. However, in many cases, interest is restricted to a single non-reference mutation of large effect and the wild-type, reference allele. Reducing a gene down to a bi-allelic entity simplifies its modelling without apparently sacrificing too much detail (e.g., [20]). However the implications of this simplification are rarely considered. This motivated the current work, of obtaining an analytical result for the probability of fixation of the n alleles of a gene, at a locus when there is selection acting, in order to obtain insight into this phenomenon.

The result we have presented for the fixation probability was derived under the diffusion approximation. The result applies to a locus where selection coefficients associated with the different alleles are small in magnitude (\(|s_{i}| \ll 1\)), as is common [12], to the extent that multiplicative and additive selection are essentially indistinguishable in their action. The result obtained indicates that the fixation probability depends only on differences of selection coefficients. Furthermore, the fixation probability of a specific allele depends on the initial frequencies of essentially all alleles, not just the initial frequency of the specific allele.

Our main result is an approximation of the fixation probability of allele i, namely \(P_{i}(\textbf{y})\), in the form of a power series of scaled selection strengths (scaled selection coefficient differences) (see Eq. (7)). We give the fixation probability to second order in scaled selection coefficient differences, with the result applying for any number of alleles, n. We compared the formula for the second order result with Kimura’s result for the fixation probability for \(n=2\) alleles, Eq. (8), when expanded to second order in scaled selection strengths, and found full agreement at this order of expansion.

Extending our consideration to multiple alleles (\(n > 2\)) a number of scenarios are plausible. One such scenario is where the multiple alleles can be partitioned into two groups, where each group is associated with a distinct selection coefficient. The fixation probability of a particular allele can be calculated from the probability that its group fixes, multiplied by the neutral probability the allele fixes within its group. For this multiple (\(n > 2\)) allele problem, we compared the formula for the second order approximation with the expansion of the fixation probability of this ‘two group’ model to second order in scaled selection strengths, and again found full agreement at this order of expansion.

A simple scenario where the multiple alleles of a locus can be partitioned into two groups, each of which is associated with a distinct selection coefficient, is for a gene that has numerous mutations which broadly fall into one of two groups: e.g., the multiple deleterious or benign mutations within the cystic fibrosis CFTR gene [21]. However, most scenarios will involve multiple alleles each with an associated selection coefficient. To the best of our knowledge, a somewhat general analytic extension of Kimura’s solution for the two-allele fixation probability (i.e., Eq. (8), which is derived in [1]) to more than two alleles, has yet to be found. By contrast, an exact treatment of fixation when there are multiple alleles is known for the Wright-Fisher model [11]. The fixation probability, in this reference, is given in terms of a matrix which can be very large, and while allowing numerical calculation of results for particular parameter choices, such a result does not expose, in a transparent way, dependence on parameters, unlike an analytical result.

As an example of the possible outcomes when a locus has more than two alleles, and the alleles are all associated with different selection coefficients, we have presented the approximation for the fixation probability for a locus with three alleles (see Eq. (14) and Fig. 3). This example explicitly illustrates how the probability of allele 1 fixing, for a given value of its initial frequency, \(y_{1}\), is significantly influenced by the initial frequencies and selective effects of alleles 2 and 3.

As illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2, the second order approximation of the fixation probability performs very reasonably when the relevant scaled selection coefficient differences falls within the range -1 to 1. We have limited our exploration of the three allele approximation to this range. Figure 3 illustrates that the fixation probability of allele 1 can increase considerably, and non-linearly, relative to neutral expectations, as the frequency of allele 2 declines (see Fig. 3, for \((R_{1},R_{2},R_{3})=(0.5,1.0,0.0)\). This result may offer important insights into traits, such as CDCV, that have extreme phenotypic variance (disease/no-disease) due to numerous, low-penetrance susceptibility alleles, for example those that have recently been identified for breast cancer [22].

Let us now consider possible future work. We reiterate that in terms of the scaled strengths of selection, \(R_{i,j}=2N_{e}(s_{i}-s_{j})\), the results obtained in this work reliably hold in a regime where the \(R_{i,j}\) are not large in magnitude, in the sense \(|R_{i,j}|\lesssim 1\). This is not negligibly weak selection, but it also is not strong selection, which would correspond to at least some of the \(R_{i,j}\) satisfying \(|R_{i,j}|\gg 1\), as can occur. We note that for the case of \(n=2\) alleles, there are existing results for strong selection that follow from Haldane’s approach, based on a branching process [23], and these results can be further understood from the viewpoint of a Wright-Fisher model [24]. However, at the time of writing, we do not see how to extend these methods, nor the methods of the present work, which are based on the diffusion approximation, to the case of multiple alleles (\(n > 2\)) and strong selection. Useful future work would determine fixation probabilities in such a strong selection regime.

The mean time it takes an allele to fix, along with related temporal properties, are important aspects of the fixation process, that are often discussed at the same time as the probability of fixation. The methods we have adopted in this work are based on an analysis of trajectory statistics, and we have shown how to extract fixation probabilities from the long time values of the mean allele frequencies. Generally, frequency trajectories contain more information about the evolutionary process than just that of fixation. Existing approaches for \(n=2\) alleles have discussed this and have given indications of the connection between trajectory statistics and the mean time to fixation [25]. Additional useful future work would be to relate the mean time to fixation, when there are multiple alleles, to the strength of selection, possibly using the methods of the present work.

In summary, we have analytically exposed the leading way the probability of fixation, at a locus with multiple alleles, is affected by the locus not being neutral but being subject to selection.

Availability of data and materials

The datasets generated and/or analysed during the current study are available in the Github repository,


  1. We have formulated and analysed the problem in terms of random frequencies. Equivalently, we could have worked in terms of the distribution of frequencies. We would then have been dealing with the diffusion equation that the distribution obeys.

  2. For the figure, \(y_{1}\) was held constant, and we allowed \(y_{2}\) to vary from 0 to \(1-y_{1}\). Whatever value was assigned to \(y_{2}\), the value of \(y_{3}\) was given by \(y_{3}=1-y_{1}-y_{2}\), i.e., it was fully determined.


\(N_e\) :

Effective population size




Common disease, common variant


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We thank Toni Gossmann for invaluable comments.


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DW contributed to the conception and writing of the manuscript, and performed the analysis. AO contributed to the conception and writing of the manuscript. Allauthors reviewed the manuscript.

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Overall, A., Waxman, D. Influence of selection on the probability of fixation at a locus with multiple alleles. BMC Genomics 25, 819 (2024).

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